Get the most out of life. 01 Personal Loan This is a loan given to members for personal use to meet financial obligations. The unique feature of this loan product is the flexibility of borrowing up to 200% of own compulsory savings with the society and the loan is usually guaranteed by the member’s savings […]
“Our Other Services” 01 Micro Pension Collections The Pension Reform Act (PRA) 2014 expanded coverage of the contributory pension Scheme to the self-employed and persons working in organizations with less than 3 employees. Coopital Cooperative acts only as a collector of pension contributions for onward remittance to the designated Pension fund administrator (PFA). 02 […]
Savings like no other 01 Compulsory Savings This is a compulsory saving that must be contributed by all members of Coopital Cooperative as a condition of membership and to access credit (loans) otherwise face the risk of being expelled from the society for non-performance. Compulsory saving is a saving that a member is compelled […]
“Obligations of business it will frequently occur pleasure have repudiated annoyances accept wise man therefore always holds in these matters beguiled and demoralized”. 01 Deposit 02 Withdrawal Undertakes laborious physical except to obtain some advantage from it right to find fault. 03 Transfers 04 Bills Payment OTHERS Collections Account Opening
“Obligations of business it will frequently occur pleasure have repudiated annoyances accept wise man therefore always holds in these matters beguiled and demoralized”. It is a long established fact that a reader will be distracted by the readable content of page when looking at its layout. The point of using lorem ipsum is that it […]